shooters linked to the infamous Kapil Sangwan gang had been arrested with the aid of the Delhi Police unique cell from Bengaluru for their alleged involvement in the triple murder on the Sultanat hotel in Panchkula. The duo, identified as Sahil alias Poli and Vijay Gehlot alias Kali, reportedly gunned down three individuals, along with a minor, inside the motel’s parking lot on December 23 at the same time as they were leaving a party.
Investigations revealed that the 2 shooters were sporting out revenge killings orchestrated via united kingdom-primarily based gangster Kapil Sangwan alias Nandu. The taking pictures was meant to avenge the murder of Sangwan’s brother-in-law, killed in 2015 by way of Vineet’s elder brother, who was affiliated with the rival Ashok Pradhan gang.
even as the primary targets have been Vineet alias Vicky and his 17-yr-antique nephew Tirth from Najafgarh, Delhi, a girl from Haryana, Vandana (22), turned into by chance stuck inside the crossfire, main to her tragic demise.
Delhi Police said that Sahil and Vijay had been involved in more than one violent crimes. each have a history of heinous offenses, with Sahil implicated in eight previous cases, including armed robbery and gang-related shootings. Vijay, the alternative shooter, reportedly has 15 cases, such as homicide, connected to his crook record.
authorities conducted considerable manhunts across Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, and Chandigarh to hint the two shooters before apprehending them in Bengaluru. The police stated that Sahil, after being arrested in a theft case, changed into radicalized in prison with the aid of Sachin Chhikara, another key member of the Sangwan gang.
both shooters had been tied to dual shootings on August 25 — one in Kakrola and any other at a goodies shop in Tilak Nagar. The Delhi Police emphasised that the Sangwan gang has been a good sized danger in current years, escalating violent rivalries throughout the NCR region.